unread September 2016
Evidence Rebuts Chomsky's Theory of Language Learning (Scientific American) Paul Ibbotson, Michael Tomasello
Tentacular thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene (e-flux) Donna Haraway
Commonsverbünde (keimform) Christian Siefkes, Johannes Euler, Gunter Kramp
The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the Universe (MIT Technology Review) Emerging Technology from the arXiv
We aren't here to learn what we already know (Avidly) Kyla Wazana Tompkins
Data citation FAQs for publishers (Force11)
Type is your right Helen V. Holmes
China Could Control the Global Internet After Oct. 1 (Epoch Times) Joshua Philipp
Having A Child in the Age of Humans (Fit Yourself Club) Joe Brewer
Open Source Exploitation and Burnout (Supported Source)
How to fix Data.gov.uk (or at least make it suck less for users) (mapgubbins) Owen Boswarva
Under Empire, All Life is Imperiled (counterpunch) Javier Sethness Castro
A Cyborg Manifesto – Donna Haraway (Body Without Organs) Cayden Mak
Whatever happened to the Cyborg Manifesto? (Mute) Maria Fernandez and Suhail Malik
Openwashing and other deceptions in Linux (IgnorantGuru's Blog) IgnorantGuru
Why you need version control (Peter's stats stuff) Peter Ellis
Zittrain's "The Future of the Internet" -- how to save the Internet from the Internet (BoingBoing) Cory Doctorow
LAST IN, FIRST OUT - Network Archaeology of/as the Stack (Amodern) Rory Solomon
The MIT License, Line by Line (/dev/lawyer) Kyle E. Mitchell, 21.09.2016
Exploring the Gap Between Business-as-Usual and Utter Doom (post carbon institute) Richard Heinberg, 19.09.2016
Capitalism and (De)Growth (degrowth) Susan Paulson, 22.09.2016
Confessions of a Necromancer (Moving Pieces) Pieter Hintjens, 20.09.2016
Hexperiment (Adventures in Mapping) John, 21.09.2016
I Used to Be a Human Being (New York Magazine, select/all) Andrew Sullivan, 18.09.2016
Warum ich nicht mehr über den Sexismus in meiner Partei schweigen will (Edition F) Jenna Behrends, 23.09.2016
A Dream Of An Algorithm (institute of network cultures) Agnieszka Zimolag, 23.09.2016